Five Essentials: Main Character - Post 26

One of the five essentials for opening scenes are the main characters

This is because the main character usually is seen and introduced in the opening scene. The audience is subjected to get to know and grow attached to the main character for a reason. For instance, in my film opening, the main character (played by my friend Elizabeth Lopez) is a young, capable woman who was part of the mafia and has a mission to get revenge and learn more about the reason behind her friend's death.

When introducing the main character, it is very important to not overshare more details about them than necessary. This is because the rest of the film is supposed to have that job. The opening only shares certain characteristics in order to draw the audience in and allow them to assume how they are as a person to move forward into the plot. An example of this in my film opening is when Elizabeth's character is calm at first even though she is abducted and questioned. She waits for the right opportunity to catch the enemy off guard and take them down to escape. With this scene, we can already tell that she is very capable, witty, and collected. She has a deep desire to figure out things regarding her late friend and teach the enemy a lesson.


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