Questioning Where to Start - Post 4

 Genre? Plot? 

After learning more about some genres, now I have to start thinking about what genre the film should fall under. In addition to genre, I have to thinking of a plot or story. The film may only last for two minutes, but I am required to convey a story to showcase to an audience.

Before making a decision, I need to consider my resources and capabilities to film. Where can I shoot the movie? How can I learn to edit and use cinematography? Should I have many actors or actresses or only stick to one? I also must consider the state of the world in the pandemic since most places have restrictions. Needless to say, there are many factors I have to go through and evaluate before picking up the camera.

To be honest, I don't know where to start or what to choose from. I really need to think everything over and discuss with my teammates what I should pursue with.


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