Expectations - Post 2

 Hey, it's me again; Jadan,

I'm certain that if someone were to willingly choose to create a film, they should have some sort of knowledge on film-making, right? Or at least know how to use an expensive camera, correct? Well, that's not the case with me. I've never had any experience with wanting to record and create a story through videos. I believe the only advantage I have that'll help me are my artistic views and mindset. I like to draw and paint as well as listen to all kinds of music. With my perspective, I can confidently say that the movie won't be too bad.

What I'm looking forward to in this project is learning how to edit videos, create a small plot or story line, and executing the whole process like a real director. I love watching movies and observing the quality of the cinematography and what the movie director is trying to convey to the audience. It's such a cool way of capturing the essence of art and expression. Having to create one of my own with the help of my teammates makes the whole project even more exciting to participate in.

Some things that make me nervous, though, are: having to impress the test examiners with my work, doubting my creativity and abilities, and not having a clue as to how I'm supposed to do this individually. Being tested on something Iv'e never done before can be very nerve-wracking, especially when I already have high standards set on my program. Self-doubting myself is no stranger, either. As an artist myself who criticizes my work all the time and compares it to other successful people, it can weigh me down. However, I know that sulking and hesitating won't help me out, so I must stay positive and just have fun with the new experience. In short, the image below is how I feel now in this class.https://www.canva.com/design/DAEIe7iRLeY/5thXrM8Mjfefx_lmY8xb7Q/view?utm_content=DAEIe7iRLeY&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink

I hope that by taking this course, I can me more aware and knowledgeable of media platforms and how it impacts the world today. Technology is rapidly evolving as years pass, so it'll be beneficial for me to keep up to date and learn how society revolves around media in general.  


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