Preliminary Task: Story Board - Post 22

At first, I had an idea of a plot about regular teens, but that attempt was not the best, so I discarded the idea. (I will go into more detail in another blog post)

For my second idea, my friend Elizabeth helped me think of a story that made sense and would be possible to record. She mentioned about the Italian Mafias and how I could center my opening around that. I liked the idea and thought that trying to create an opening with the genre "crime and gangster," would be fun - and it was!

So, I wanted the opening to start with an intense scene to catch the audience's attention; and what a better way than to create a kidnapping and fighting scene? In order to do this, I went to my friend Marcos' house and used his car as a major prop. I decided that Marcos would be the bad guy and Elizabeth would be the good guy. It was the only thing that made sense for me because those were the only people I had to work with in such a short time.

In the beginning scene, I wanted to showcase a fast-moving car to introduce the bad guy who will be affiliated to the mafia. He drives fast to arrive to the gang's interrogation room and question the perpetrator. The person in question, Scarlett, used to be affiliated with the same mafia, but is now an ex-member for reasons not known. 

Scarlett is tied up and blind-folded as to be restricted as possible. Once they arrive, Xander forcefully nudges Scarlett into the room and immediately starts to question her about the money she "owes" him. She pretends to not know, but then speaks out when the name Alfredo was brought up. It's unknown who this person is, but it seems as though they are dead.

After a little while of interrogating, Scarlett is seen to be escaping her hand ties and then proceeds to fight Xander out of the room. She is thrown onto the floor but snatched a metal bar next to her and beats Xander with it till he is unconscious. After that, she steals his car keys and drives his car to safety. In the ending scene, somber music is played as she talks to herself saying she'll avenge Alfredo no matter what, and the scene ends.


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