Five Essentials: Conflict - Post 30

 The last essential of a film opening is conflict!

Conflict in an opening scene provides entertainment, excitement, and introduction to everyone and everything. However, it cannot be just any sort of conflict. There are certain types befitting for certain genres. By adding the right sort of conflict, friction in the story is created and can leave the audience to ask questions and become intrigued for what happens next.

For my blog, I added a fight sequence to create anticipation and introduce the main character as what type of woman she is and how capable she is of herself. By fighting strategically and using her surroundings, she was able to be the last one standing in the dual. Since my genre was mafia/criminal/action, I thought that a short fighting scene (since I only had 2 minutes as a maximum limit) would be best. It had to make sense of course, so that's why I had my actress reach for a metal object to inflict heavy damage and get away quick and fast. Based on the dialogue before the fighting took place, there was a conflict between different characters. The main character was trying to solve her case of her missing/dead friend, which is a whole other conflict within itself. 


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