Calendar - Post 31

Schedule for remainder of the year:

2/14-2/15 - Create storyboard for final film project

2/17 - Create script, gather actors for a scheduled day of filming

2/18-2/24 - Start filming and editing

2/26 - create short interviews for actors on their experience of the filming process

2/28 - Go over the draft of the film; tweak it, submit final/complete version

3/3 - Start on the first evaluation/reflection question

3/4 - Finish first question

3/6 - Start on the second evaluation/reflection question

3/7 - Finish second question

3/9 - Start on the third evaluation/reflection question

3/10 - Finish third question

3/12 - Start on the fourth evaluation/reflection question

3/13 - Finish fourth question

3/15 - Start on the fifth evaluation/reflection question

3/16 - Finish fifth question

3/18 - Go over all blogs, fix/tweak any problems; improve them


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