Creative Critical Reflection 4 - Post 42

 - How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware and online – in this project?

CCR 4 PowerPoint- Jadan Cedeno.pptx

Overall, technology was an essential tool used to create my entire project. First, I needed to do extended research throughout the school year about film itself. Genres/conventions, sounds, mise en scene, and so much more. I dedicated three quarters just researching online via YouTube and Googling articles in order to gain further knowledge and add anything I needed to my final film. As for software and hardware, I didn't use my computer or laptop for editing, I only ever used my phone via mobile editing apps like Vivacut and Capcut. With that in mind, my phone uses android software development as the process for creating the apps. The hardware components established in my phone that had a helping hand in the process of filming are Wi-fi as well as camera, speaker, and microphone. Without these components, I wouldn't have been able to film my project.


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